DVD/Video player. Is optimized for comfortable review of films. 99% of commands player is executed by one click of the mouse! The menu occur at prompting the mouse on an appropriate tag player. It is not necessary to press mouse buttons. Also all tags player are active, i.e. they execute the basic operation of that menu, which occurs, and you should not move on the menu, and it is less than movements, that is you will test true enjoying from review of film. You will be not distracted by management player. The response of some tags can be adjusted at own discretion. Playback of a video with physically damaged disks. (certainly you will lose a little film:)
The menu player does not close picture of film - it simply transparent. And it means, that you will not spoil to yourselves pleasure from review of film, even if you need something to select from the menu player. All elements of management is direct on a picture of film, occur at prompting the mouse, disappear. Fast increase of a picture and instant panning. By one easy movement of the mouse you can increase a picture of film. Or to remove black bars from above and from below of film, if he has the wide-screen format. Opens playlists standard VideoCD (*.mls) and most popular players.
Search of a video on CD and DVD, his playback, and clever definition of the name of film. It means, that for review DVD or CD, it is enough to you to press only one button or to select the appropriate choice, and in both variants it is the same button (or choice). At start player will try to find on it CD the normal name of this film, for example "Matrix", instead of VideoOut.avi.
You were got by advertising on DVD! - passing of advertising and pictures. And it, when at the beginning of review to you push from one about three minutes of advertising (usually what advertising be player). At activation of the given function, you will be saved of this lack DVD. And for you remain excellent moods for review of film.
Support formats:
DVD, avi, mpeg, mpeg2, divx, asf, wmv, dat(VideoCD).
With the extension MOV, QT, MP2, M2P, M2V, WMV, AVI, MPG, MPE, MPEG, ASF, DAT, DIVX, VOB.
PlayLists MLS(Main, VideoCD) , BSL(bsplayer), LST(RadLight), LAP(Light Alloy), MU3, PLS.