Hornil StylePix is a graphics editing program that allows you to draw pictures, edit photos and more.
StylePix is an acronym for "Style Picture". This means your pictures with nice style. StylePix helps you to create nice pictures easily and quickly. If you donot use the image editor or think it is difficult to use try StylePix. You can also become a graphic designer with a variety of tools and an intuitive user interface.
With StylePix you can easily do following:
Draw pictures (Brush, Spray, Clone brush, fill, gradation fill), Resize photos, Rotate photos, Color Correction, Type text on the photo, Synthesis photos, Cut, copy and paste photos, Sharpen/Blur photos, Remove red-eye, Remove dust, For more details.
Time saving with intuitive User Interface
Hornil StylePix has intuitive user interface. It is designed to adjust the selected feature easy and conveniently. Even if you have no experience, you can easily learn how to edit image and retouching your photos. As a result, Hornil StylePix s intuitive UI reduces your time to work. To better speed editing, Hornil StylePix is designed to focus on light and powerful. Hornil StylePix runs on fewer resources environment such as Net-books and laptop computer or virtual machines(vmware, virtual box, virtual pc and etc.) with full image handling features. We are always striving to improve the performance of Hornil StylePix.
Browse Images and slideshow
Browse Images tool lets you easily explore the images before open an image. Also you can open, copy, delete, and rename the images or directories. Slideshow displays a series of chosen pictures is located in current working path with full-screen mode. Supported file formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIF, TGA, BMP and TSP.
Convenient working environment
Working with multiple files can be opened simultaneously. The opened images are arranged by tab in MDI(Multiple document interface) container. MDI supports cascade, tile vertically, tile horizontally and arrange icons arrangement. Fast image-switching: To switch between canvas windows, press Ctrl + Tab keys. If you want to go back, press Ctrl + Shift + Tab keys. If you press the above mentioned keys, the switch window is popped. Then, if you want to select next canvas, press the Tab key.
Multi-layer and grouping support
Layers are used in Hornil StylePix to separate different objects of the canvas. Layers are like transparencies stacked on another. Each layer can have different object. Hornil StylePix supports four object type(image, shape text and path) and group object. The group object contains other objects. In addition, the group may contain a other group. You can manage the layers using the hierachy.
Selection tools
Hornil StylePix support region selection tool like following:
You can make a region selection by above mentioned tools with following modes: new, add, subtract and intersect. The existing region selection can be modified by operations: Border, Expand, Contract and Softness.
30 kinds of practical image filter
Drawing tools
Hornil StylePix supports various drawing tools like Brush, eraser, line, curve, spray, clone-brush, flood fill, gradient fill, path, and shape. You can draw different pictures using these tools with several options like size, antialiasing, opacity and blending mode.
Text tool
The text tool allows you to type text on the canvas. The character string in a text can be modified not only at normal state, but also rotated state without losing object properties.
The following properties can be changed in any time.
Transform and alignment
The Transform tool allows you to transform the selecting region or objects. It is only enabled when the region selection exists. When the Transform tool is activated, you can rotate and resize it.
Enhance and restore tools
The enhance tool allows you to enhance an image based on darken, dodge, blur and sharpen tools.
The restore tool allows you to restore an image that has scratch or red eye etc.
Multilevel undo, redo and action list
Multilevel undo, redo support: The action list remembers what you ve done to your image and lets you revert back to any earlier version of the image. Every time you select, paint, and resize etc, each of those states is listed seperately in the action list. To revert to a previous state of the image, click the name of the state on the action list or press Ctrl + z.