GuardBay Remote Employee Parenetal Monitoring Software is a surveillance software that allows you to monitor your employees or children from anywherein the world using devices such as iPhone, Android mobiles. You can monitor and record employee s internet and program usage, keystrokes, emails, file transfers, instant message even when you are out of the office. It allows you to prevent your employees or children from going off-track when they are on computers (playing games, browsing non-work-related sites, chatting...etc) hence increasing their overall productivity. GuardBay is not only designed for enterprises and large institutes, it may also be used for individual parents wanting to monitor their children. GuardBay allows you to monitor and control each computer across different networks. This includes viewing the current screen of each computer on the network, all keystrokes that each user has pressed and all websites visited. Additional controls are also available including shutting down/rebooting a remote client computer, logging off a specific user, displaying messages on client computer screen, locking down client workstation and executing certain files on client machine.