PassGen is a random password generator which can generate strong passwords for different applications.
- It can generate passwords of variable length and in variable quantity.
- Generated passwords can be easily copied to the clipboard or saved as a file for later use.
- Repetition of characters in passwords can be prevented.
- Alphabets (Uppercase and Lowercase), numerals and special characters can be used in combination to generate strong passwords.
- User specified characters or symbols can also be used.
- Password strength is analyzed and shown based on its length and composition.
- Settings can be saved.
- A good password must be at least 10 characters long, must contain both lower and upper case letters and special characters such as numbers or special characters like "$%?!"/()".
- Some special characters have special purpose assigned to them in certain systems. In that case the user should not use that characters in their passwords.
- The strength of the password shown is only a relative measure. It only gives an idea about how strong your password is for a general purpose application. For another purpose, the definition of a weak, medium and strong password may differ accordingly