UniPDF PDF to Word is 100% Free PDF to Word converter software to convert PDF to Word documents (doc, rtf), convert PDF to images (jpg, png, bmp, tif, gif, pcx, tga), convert PDF to HTML (html), or convert PDF to Text (txt) in batch mode, with all document texts, layouts, images and formatting ideally preserved. Key features include: convert PDF to Word document; covert PDF to image, convert PDF to HTML, convert PDF to Text.
What reviewers are saying:
Supported PDF File Languages
UniPDF supports almost all of the major languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Chinese Traditional, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic, Turkish etc.
Supported Output Formats
UniPDF supports major formats including Word documents (.doc), Rich Text Format (rtf), images files (jpg, png, bmp, tif, gif, pcx, tga), HTML (.html), and plain text files (txt).