No more typing common phrases again!
Eliminate repetitive typing
Do you find yourself typing common phrases over and over again? PhraseExpress saves you countless keystrokes and expands custom abbreviations into frequently used text snippets. Typing btw expands into by the way or typing excel can open your spreadsheet program in a snap.
Predictive text auto-completion
The unique text prediction feature automatically recognizes repetitive phrases and autocomplete them on demand. Unlike other text prediction systems it will not bother you with unsuitable suggestions fed by static dictionaries. PhraseExpress rather learns from your individual writing style. PhraseExpress increases your productivity straight out-of-the-box and does not require you to tediously define phrases and their corresponding abbreviations by hand like in other text snippet utilities. Existing documents and Outlook Emails can be scanned to personalize PhraseExpress to your writing style.
System-wide spelling correction
PhraseExpress automatically correct common misspellings while you type. Ever missed a spelling correction feature in your web browser or messenger program? PhraseExpress works everywhere! It can also import your existing MS Word AutoCorrect entries for use in any program, not just in Word or Outlook.
Multi Clipboard
While the standard Windows clipboard inserts only the last copied text segment, the Clipboard Manager now stores all recently copied clipboard contents for instant pasting into any application.
Email Signatures management
PhraseExpress can manage your email signatures and provide them in the network. Dynamic contents can be embedded from ActiveDirectory/LDAP (more info).
Consistent communication
The Client-/Server architecture allows to share common text templates in a company network and over the internet. This helps to maintain a consistent corporate identity in customer communication. Legal departments can have quick access to pre-defined boilerplate contract documents and medical staff can render diagnostic reports with ease.
RSI syndrome prevention
PhraseExpress reduces the risk of suffering the repetitive strain injury as it helps to significantly reduce use of the keyboard.
PhraseExpress organizes your frequently used text snippets:
- Free for personal use